
Why Hire a Native Copywriter for Your Localization Strategy

As your business is looking to expand into a new market, localization has become an increasingly important part of a successful marketing strategy.

If you’re unaware, localization refers to adapting a product, service, or content to a specific market. It involves much more than simply translating text from one language to another. Of course, you could skip all of this and use automatic translators like Google or DeepL, but you won’t be happy when seeing the first results of your marketing campaign. 

Simply put, a localization strategy takes into consideration cultural differences, local customs, and behaviors in your specific new market.

Diving into a new market is way more than translating your marketing message

Even Better When It Comes With a Native Copywriter

One key aspect of localization is the use of high-quality, localized content, and this is where an advertising copywriter is extremely beneficial for your company

A copywriter is a professional writer who specializes in creating written content for marketing and advertising purposes. They play a major role in the success of a marketing strategy.

I’ll share with you below just a few reasons why I think a company is making a right choice by hiring an advertising copywriter for your localization efforts.

Improved Brand Messaging and Tone of Voice

First, an advertising copywriter will ensure that the brand messaging and tone of voice are consistent and effective in his/her native language and market. 

You’ll convey the values and personality of your brand, as cultural differences can impact the way that your marketing messages are received. 

The copywriter adapts the brand messaging and tone of voice to be more appropriate and resonant with your new audience. 

Avoid Poor Quality Translations

If you’re not working with a native copywriter and using a translation tool, you’ll sometimes produce translations that are awkward, and unnatural. Particularly when it comes to expressions or technical terms

This can result in poor-quality translations that may not accurately convey the intended meaning or message. A poor translation can be damaging to the reputation of the company and ultimately your conversion rates.

Improved User Experience

High-quality, localized content also helps to improve the overall user experience for your customers in your market. 

An advertising copywriter will create content that is clear, concise, and easy to understand, which will build trust and credibility with your local audience

As a simple example, this is important when it comes to E-commerce. Users will be more likely to make a purchase if they feel confident and informed about the products or services being offered.

Increased Engagement and Conversion Rates

Well-written, localized content will increase engagement and conversion rates for your companies

By creating content that is relevant, informative, engaging, and tailored for the channel you’re reaching, an advertising copywriter helps to attract and retain the attention of the local audience and drives more traffic and sales.

Furthermore, he/she will also deliver targeted and personalized content, regarding the level of awareness of your audience about your product and their unique needs – which will increase engagement and conversion rates.

Improved Accuracy to Research Your Target Audience

To fit your new market, a native copywriter ensures that the research and analysis of the target audience are accurate and authentic. This can be particularly important when it comes to understanding cultural differences and preferences, as a non-native speaker may not have the same level of expertise and insight.

Let’s pretend you have to research why a French customer is willing to buy X product.

In order to make your research precise, you’ll have to be in the mind of this customer. To understand the way he spoke about the product, one good idea is to research discussion groups.

If you’re not a local, your journey hasn’t started yet and you’re already taking a lot of time finding the place to look at. Sounds depressing, right? You’d be free of this hard work by delegating this task to a native.

Looking for a French copywriter for your business ?

I’ve been successfully helping companies with their localization strategy in the French market for over 4 years. I also worked with French native brands and agencies where I created converting copies across multiple industries.

Reach out to me and we’ll see together how to make the best out of this collaboration with your marketing strategy for your French market.

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As a native French copywriter for 4 years now, I help companies with their localization marketing strategy.